Kenn Nesbitt's WebEdit Version 2.0 Beta 3 ====================== Thank you for helping beta test WebEdit 2.0. Please read this file carefully, as it contains some important information about this beta release. WINDOWS 95 AND NT ONLY ====================== This release of WebEdit 2.0 is a 32-bit program that requires Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT. It will not run on Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups, even with Win32s installed. If you would like to try this software, you will have to have Windows 95 or NT on your system. We will be porting 2.0 to 16-bits for Windows 3.1 after the final release of the 32-bit version. We expect to release the 16-bit version of WebEdit 2.0 in June. BETA SOFTWARE ============= This version of WebEdit 2.0 is a test release. The final release of the software is scheduled for June. This release is feature complete. We will be accepting bug reports, but no new feature suggestions for version 2.0. STANDARD AND PROFESSIONAL EDITIONS ================================== WebEdit 2.0 is available in 2 32-bit editions: Standard and Professional. The Professional Edition contains all the features of the Standard Edition, plus: * HTML tag checker module * Project support * Colored tag highlighting * Ability to run third-party add-ons WebEdit 2.0 Standard Edition is a FREE upgrade to registered users of WebEdit 1.x. The Professional Edition has a nominal upgrade fee. Please contact your WebEdit distributor for upgrade pricing. BUG REPORTING ============= The purpose of this beta test release is to get feedback from as many users as possible to ensure the stability of the final release. If you believe you have found a bug in the program, please send mail to Make sure the subject line of your mail includes the word "BETA", as we will be filtering these messages on the subject line. PLEASE DO NOT ask us for additional features. The software is feature complete for this release. We are very focused on getting this release out the door. Once we have shipped the final release, we will begin writing add-ons and new features for the next version. We may not have time to answer each bug report, especially since it is likely that any bugs that are found will be reported multiple times by different users. We apologize that we may not be able to respond to your bug report, but we will definitely read each and every mail message. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP ======================= Finally, thank you again for helping us to beta test WebEdit 2.0 and thank you for your support. --Kenn Nesbitt